Young people in London are facing a growing mental and physical health crisis. This is disproportionately impacting girls and young people who are from disadvantaged backgrounds. The pandemic, the pressures of social media and an ongoing Cost of Living Crisis are exacerbating these challenges.
Bloomsbury Football is using the power of football to support young people to become happier, healthier and more resilient. Sport has multiple positive impacts on individuals and society – for example, for every £1 invested in sport for good, £6 is returned in social value.
Bloomsbury Communities are full-scale community projects that place local roots at the heart of our approach. Communities are a hyper-localised approach to football provision – they remove locations a barrier to accessing the benefits of regular football sessions.
Bloomsbury Communities are a community-led, place-based solution for high-quality, inclusive football, encouraging young people to get on the pitch and be more active.
Each Bloomsbury Community will include the full range of Bloomsbury Football programmes, from non-team sessions, Club Football, Club Futsal and Leagues.
By 2028, there will be 18 Bloomsbury Communities across London, which will be engaging 20,000 young people per week.
Our plan to support 20,000 young people per week by 2028 is ambitious, but we are confident that we have the plan to make it a reality. Support our work today & be a part of the change.
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