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إغلاق هذه الرسالة

Foundation Teams Pre Season – Harris Academy

Foundation Teams Pre-Season 2023/24

We offer financial assistance to those in need. Free places are not available for Pre-Season unlike Holiday Camps for kids on free school meals. If you have not applied already, you can apply here: https://bloomsburyfootball.com/financial-assistance/

For more information please email Oliver Nichols on [email protected] or WhatsApp on 07599101411


10-14 years






10:00 ص - 3:00 م


Harris Academy St John’s Wood, NW8 0NL

جهة اتصال الحدث

كاميرون جوردون

ماذا ترتدي

Sports kit and boots

ما يجب إحضاره

Bottle of water, lunch and a snack, any medical instruments (such as inhaler or epi-pen)

تسجيل الدخول للحجز

المساعدة المالية