يرجى ترقية المتصفح الخاص بك. بعض الميزات في هذا الموقع غير متوافقة مع الإصدار الحالي الخاص بك.

إغلاق هذه الرسالة

Girls-Only Refugee & Asylum Seeker Indoor Session

Girls-Only Refugee & Asylum Seeker Indoor Session

Girls-only Refugee and Asylum Seeker Indoor Session

  • Taking place every Wednesday from the 25th September at King Solomon Academy (Penfold Street, NW1 6RX)
  • This is an indoor session, taking place in the Sports Hall
  • Free football training for female refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Dinner altogether afterwards
  • Please wear athletic wear, and bring a bottle of water


Please email [email protected] or Whatsapp +447724608600 for further questions regarding this session.



13-16 سنة




£0.00 في 1 من كل شهر


6:00 م - 7:30 م


King Solomon Academy, NW1 6RX

جهة اتصال الحدث

Michelle Pretorius, [email protected]

ماذا ترتدي

Please wear sportswear and trainers.

ما يجب إحضاره

Bring a bottle of water.

تسجيل الدخول للحجز

First payment prorated. Next payment: November 1, 2024

المساعدة المالية