Fadlan cusboonaysii browserkaaga Astaamaha qaarkood ee ku jira mareegahan ayaan la socon karin noocaaga hadda.

Xidh fariintan

Kooxda Kubadda Cagta Bloomsbury waxay la shaqeysay hay'ado kala duwan oo nala wadaaga qiyamka oo aaminsan hadafkayaga ah inaan beddelno ciyaarta dhallinyarada London. Shuraakadayada shirkadu waa qayb muhiim ah oo ka mid ah bulshadayada. 

From smaller local businesses to multinationals, we’re always looking to find new partnerships that will enable us to continue expanding our sessions and supporting more young people to get on the pitch.


Nike’s support has been instrumental to the development of Bloomsbury Football from 2019. In partnership with Nike, we have hosted a number of events at high profile stadia, including Wembley, Stamford Bridge and St George’s Park, giving the opportunity for young people in our programmes to play at these iconic venues.  

Financial Times

Bloomsbury Football has been chosen to be the charitable partner for the FT’s Business in Football Summit for 2023 and 2024. Through the FT’s support, Bloomsbury have been able to build an invaluable network of contacts and helped hundreds more young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to participate weekly.

Wax dheeri ah baro


hrough our partnership with FIFA, Bloomsbury has provided access to the benefits of regular football to young people across London that need it the most. As part of our partnership, Bloomsbury were able to bring 30 young people to the FIFA The Best Awards and had the opportunity to train with 4 FIFA legends.

Wax dheeri ah baro

Our other supporters

We are fortunate to receive funding and support from a wide range of supporters. Please see a selection of our other supporters below


Marka aad la wadaagto Bloomsbury Football, kaliya ma beddeli doontid ciyaarta dhalinyarada reer London, laakiin waxaan sidoo kale bixinaa khibrado gaar ah oo kooxdaada siin doona fursad ay ku soo galaan garoonka!


Waxaan la shaqaynaa shuraakadayada shirkada si aan u abaabulno dhacdooyinka xusuusta leh sida:

– Tartamada xagaaga ee garoommada sare ee London.
- Xafladaha daawashada garoonka Premium.
- Xirmooyinka kafaala-qaadka.
- Fursadaha iskaa wax u qabso ee shaqaalaha.

Deeqahaagu waxay awood u siinaysaa Bloomsbury Football inay sii waddo beddelka nolosha dadka da'da yar ee London. Si aad u taageerto shaqadeena, fadlan ka fikir inaad ku tabarucdo xagga hoose