Kooxda Bloomsbury Football waa bulsho ciyaarta wax ka beddesha oo ay ka go'an tahay inay u adeegsadaan awoodda kubbadda cagta si ay wax uga beddelaan nolosha dhallinyarada London.
Guud ahaan doorarka gudaha iyo dibaddaba, dhammaan shaqaalaha Kubadda Cagta Bloomsbury waxay ku midaysan yihiin aragti guud: adduunyo kubbadda cagta loo isticmaalo in lagaga gudbo qaar ka mid ah caqabadaha ugu daran ee ay la kulmaan dhallinyarada bulshadeenna. Waxaan aaminsanahay in ciyaarta quruxda badan ay tahay wax ay tahay in la wada heli karo oo la shaqeeyo maalin kasta si loo hubiyo in aragtidani ay noqoto mid dhab ah.
Laga soo bilaabo 4 xubnood oo shaqaale ah oo ka shaqeeya qol yar oo hoose oo ku yaal Bloomsbury sanadka 2018 ilaa in ka badan 70 xubnood oo shaqaale ah 2023, Kubadda Cagta Bloomsbury waxay sii wadaysaa inay koraan markaan u bedelno ciyaarta dhalinyaro badan oo London ah.
Chair of the board of Trustees
Charlie Cowen
Charlie waa Agaasimaha Ciyaaraha Xirfadlayaasha Ragga ee Guddiga Cricket-ka England iyo Wales (ECB). Wuxuu kormeeraa ciyaarta xirfadleyda ragga, isagoo taageeraya Degmooyinka Heerka Koowaad gudaha iyo dibadda garoonka.
Ka hor inta uusan ku biirin ECB wuxuu ahaa Partner at Portas Consulting, oo ah la-talin caalami ah oo diiradda saaraya isboortiga halkaas oo uu kala soo shaqeeyay ururrada kubbadda cagta sida UEFA, FA iyo Football Foundation si ay u horumariyaan una hirgeliyaan xeeladahooda oo ay gacan uga geystaan kordhinta korriintooda. Kahor Portas, Charlie wuxuu hogaamiyay kooxda Ganacsiga iyo xafiiska New York ee shirkad hormuud u ah AI fintech.
Ed Woodward
Ed Woodward is the former CEO of Manchester United. Leading one of the world’s largest clubs, Ed has experienced the power of football on a global scale and has worked with managers and athletes at the highest level of the game.
Ed is a qualified accountant and before his role at Manchester United, he was an investment banker at J.P. Morgan. In his role of Trustee, Ed brings his unique skillset to support our CEO Charlie and team to achieve the ambitious goals set in our 2023 – 2028 Strategy.
Samantha Bunis
Samantha is a marketing and communications leader with expertise in brand growth, digital transformation, partnerships and customer experience. She sits on the Exec Team at the Football Foundation – the Premier League, The FA and Government’s charity, the largest sports charity in the UK; and in addition to her role here, she is a Non-Exec Director of the RAF Museum.
She has worked both agency and client-side, energising some of the most exciting commercial and charity brands in the world. At Bloomsbury Football, she advises on strategy and operations.
Sharon Bennett
Sharon is a marketing and communications professional with broad agency and industry experience. She has worked with some of the largest governing bodies, clubs and events in sport, such as UEFA, The FA, The Open, Manchester City and the ECB. Sharon is currently a director at creative sports agency, TwelfthMan.
Sharon specialises in brand building, storytelling and creating fan experiences to grow commercial value and have a positive societal impact. At Bloomsbury Football, she advises on safeguarding, digital and marketing.
Theepan Jothilingam
Theepan Jothilingam waa Madaxa Cilmi-baarista Sinnaanta ee EMEA ee BNP Paribas, oo leh taariikh faahfaahsan oo ka shaqeynta falanqeeye abaal-marin ah oo lagu bixiyo shirkadaha adeegyada maaliyadeed ee caalamiga ah. Theepan waxa uu u soo muuqday khabiir dhinaca warshadaha ah waraysiyada loo yaqaan Financial Times iyo Investor Investor.
Guddiga Kubadda Cagta Bloomsbury, wuxuu bixiyaa khibrad dhinacyada maaliyadda, kheyraadka aadanaha iyo khatarta.
Murad Ahmed
Murad has been the Technology News Editor at the Financial Times since January 2022. Before this, Murad was Sports Editor, leading the FT’s coverage of the business of sport and top events such as the Olympic Games. In this role, Murad developed a deep knowledge of the football industry.
Murad is the co-founder and editor of FT Scoreboard, a weekly sports business newsletter, and he co-created and was the co-chair of the FT’s annual Business of Football summit.
Charlie Hyman
Aasaasaha & Maamulaha Guud
Charlie Hyman
Aasaasaha & Maamulaha Guud
Charlie waxa uu aasaasay Bloomsbury Football 2018. Maamule ahaan, waxa uu khibrad u leeyahay tababarida, maamulka, suuq-geynta, istaraatiijiyadda, horumarinta ganacsiga iyo hawlaha maaliyadeed. Charlie waxa kale oo uu la taliyaa ganacsiyada, samafalayaasha iyo hay'adaha maamulka ee ku jira warshadaha isboortiga. 2021, Charlie waxa uu ahaa Qofka da'da yar ee Isboortiga ee Isboortiga ee London wuxuuna ahaa Warshadaha Isboortiga 30 ee ka hooseeya 30 NextGen Hogaamiye.
Ben Barbour
Chief of Staff & Operations
Ben Barbour
Chief of Staff & Operations
Ben wuxuu nagu soo biiray Sebtembar 2022, ka dib markii uu ka qalin jabiyay dhaqaalaha isaga oo weheliya asal ka shaqeynta kubada cagta. Waa Maamulaha Maaliyadda & Hawlgallada wuxuuna ka shaqeeyaa sidii loo hubin lahaa in dhammaan geeddi-socodyada ay si habsami leh u socdaan si aan uga dhabeyno himiladeena
Josh Arnold
Club Football Manager
Josh Arnold
Club Football Manager
Josh wuxuu nagu soo biiray 2020, ka dib markii uu wax ku bartay shahaadada heerka koowaad ee Ganacsiga Isboortiga & Tababarka oo uu ka shaqeeyay Macallin Isboorti oo ka tirsan Dugsiga diyaarinta. Wuxuu noqday Maareeyaha Akadeemiyada Diseembar 2021, isagoo kormeeraya barnaamijka Akadeemiyada Wiilasha iyo Gabdhaha, wuxuuna aad u xiiseeyaa dhalinyarada inay sare u qaadaan awooddooda.
Isabelle Chauzy
Isabelle Chauzy
Isabelle waxay ku biirtay kooxda Kubadda Cagta Bloomsbury 2022. Waxay baratay Siyaasadda iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ah waxayna haysataa Master's ganacsi. Isabelle waxay u shaqaynaysay NGO-yada xuquuqda haweenka, maaraynta dhacdooyinka waxayna kaaliyaha soo saaraha ka ahayd filim dokumentari ah oo ay la lahayd Haweenka Qaramada Midoobay. Waxay aad u xiiseysaa ka sheekaynta sheekooyinka iyo soo bandhigida saamaynta bulshada ee Bloomsbury Football.
Jon Kurrant
Club Futsal Manager
Jon Kurrant
Club Futsal Manager
JK wuxuu nagu soo biiray Agoosto 2020, isagoo kubbadda cagta u soo ciyaaray sidii ciyaartoy Akadeemiyadeed oo Arsenal ah, Aqoonyahan YTS ee Charlton iyo xirfad ahaan Aberdeen, wuxuu u wareegay inuu barto Sayniska Isboortiga ee BSc wuxuuna ku dhammaystay MSc ee Tababarka Ciyaaraha. Halkan waxa uu ku aasaasay ProFutsal waxana uu u matalay England heer sare. Hadda waxa uu madax u yahay barnaamijka waaxda futsal waxana uu kormeeraa waxqabadka kooxda koowaad iyo horumarinta wiilasha iyo gabdhaha dhalinyarada ee U6 ilaa U18.
Esme Scantlebury
Special Projects Manager
Esme Scantlebury
Special Projects Manager
Esmé joined Bloomsbury in March 2023 after finishing her studies in History and Latin American studies. Her background is in research into urban centres, forced displacement, and access to cities. She began as coordinator and now manages our Special Projects, which consist of our Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programme and our Disability programme. She is passionate about providing inclusive and accessible football for young people living in London and facilitating positive experiences of participation.
Francisco Ortiz Yuli
Head of Impact & Strategy
Francisco Ortiz Yuli
Head of Impact & Strategy
Fran joined us in February 2024, after studying an MSc in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the LSE. With experience in research, impact investment and consulting; he is passionate about impact measurement and systems change. Fran is in charge of Bloomsbury Football’s strategical growth, as well as Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) across all programmes.
Lydia Miles
Head of People
Lydia Miles
Head of People
Lydia joined Bloomsbury in July 2023 in the role of People & Processes Lead, straight after finishing her Biochemistry degree at the University of Bristol. Running the Biochemistry Society helped her realise a passion for working with and supporting the development of people, which she continues to do in her role as Head of People.
Richard Basteed
Head of Digital
Richard Basteed
Head of Digital
Richard joined as Head of Digital in June 2023 after graduating with an MSc in Design and Development of Digital Business, having transitioned into technology from a career in Risk Advisory. In his role Richard aims to leverage digital technologies to help Bloomsbury Football achieve its strategic goals.
Yuki joined our Bloomsbury Programme in September 2022 and has been a vital member of the Youth Board as well as her Futsal team. She has shown us how helpful the board can be, especially in giving coaches insight into how the players feel about Bloomsbury. Her favourite player is Hasagawa and outside of football, she enjoys drawing and playing games.
Carla has been involved with Bloomsbury for just over 2 years. By allowing the players’ concerns and inputs to be heard directly coaches, she believes Bloomsbury can better understand the players needs and wants. Sam Kerr has been inspiration to Carla not only through her success as an Australian sportswoman, but also through her leadership and sportsmanship. Outside of football, Carla loves spending time with friends and family, studying computer science, listening to music (a lot of taylor swift) and playing other sports.
Jack joined Bloomsbury Football Academy’s Golds in January 2020. He has attended many holiday camps and has even been to St George’s park on a few occasions. Jack believes that giving players a voice and platform will help Bloomsbury to develop and grow. Jacke is an avid Arsenal supporter and loves the way Odegaard plays and his attitude on the pitch. Outside of football, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, and playing other sports such as cricket.
Stamford joined Bloomsbury after attending a blind football event in 2022, he has since regularly attended VI sessions after they were first introduced in March 2023. Stamford believes that for players at Bloomsbury to reach their full potential, their opinions must be heard so that the club can grow and develop around them. He aspires to be able to achieve the determination, consideration and dedication of his favourite footballer John Terry. He is an avid Chelsea fan and enjoys watching chelsea play, home and away. Outside of football he enjoys going to the cinema, the theatre and seeing bands such as Madness and Blur play live.
Levi joined Bloomsbury in 2022 and is currently the captain of his Academy team. Levi hopes that having the youth board will allow the players to show their perspective on future ideas for the club. His football inspiration is William Saliba and outside of football he likes to relax.
Kayla joined Bloomsbury in March 2023 and has been playing at the Bloomsbury Academy. During the school holidays she has also taken part in the Bloomsbury Holiday Camps. Kayla hopes that by allowing her voice to be heard at Bloomsbury, she can help shape the future of Bloomsbury. Growing up watching Arsenal formed her love for the sport and Ozil’s impressive skills left her in awe. As more players have come and gone her love for the game has continued to grow. For Kayla, watching the Lionesses win the Euro’s and getting to the final of the World Cup has been the highlight of football so far. Outside of football she enjoys chilling with her family and playing video games.
Soo gal boggaaga si aad u ballansato dhacdadan.
Wali miyaydaan xubin ka ahayn Bloomsbury Football?
Hadda waxaad qabsan kartaa fadhiyo ama xeryo.
Kooxda Bloomsbury waxay rajeynayaan inay kula kulmaan!