Fadlan cusboonaysii browserkaaga Astaamaha qaarkood ee ku jira mareegahan ayaan la socon karin noocaaga hadda.

Xidh fariintan

Moreland Primary School: Boy’s Football (U7-U9)

Moreland Primary School: Boy’s Football (U7-U9)

Starting 16th September,

Fun football sessions for all abilities, working on the key fundamentals of football through fun games, ball mastery, matches, and more!

We offer financial assistance for those in need, you can apply here: Financial Assistance

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, fadlan iimayl u dir info@bloomsburyfootball.com ama WhatsApp noogu soo dir 07724608600


6-9 sano




£60.00 1da bisha


5:00 galabnimo - 6:00 galabnimo


Moreland Primary School, EC1V 8BB

Xiriirka dhacdada


Maxaa la xidho

Please wear sports clothing, and AstroTurf, Artificial Ground or Firm Ground boots

Maxaa la keenayaa

Please bring a water bottle and any necessary medical equipment, such as an epi-pen or inhaler.

Weather permitting, sun cream or a waterproof jacket may be needed.

Saxeex si aad u ballansato
Buuxi Dhadhanka

First payment prorated. Next payment: December 1, 2024

Kaalmada Dhaqaale