Fadlan cusboonaysii browserkaaga Astaamaha qaarkood ee ku jira mareegahan ayaan la socon karin noocaaga hadda.

Xidh fariintan

Harris Academy: LALIGA X Bloomsbury Football League (Mixed U11-U14)

Harris Academy: LALIGA X Bloomsbury Football League (Mixed U11-U14)

LALIGA x Bloomsbury Football League at Harris Academy is launching for the 2024/25 season! It will be a 12 week league with 8 teams competing for the LALIGA x Bloomsbury trophy.

LALIGA is the top tier of Spanish Football and each player will be provided with playing kit from LALIGA clubs. The clubs participating in this seasons tournament are:

  • Valencia
  • Racing Club de Ferrol
  • Celta
  • Athletic Club
  • Atletico de Madrid
  • Las Palmas
  • Deportivo la Coruña
  • Deportivo Aláves

The league winners will be presented with a trophy and medals, with several individual awards up for grabs too!

Xog buuxda:

  • Kick off times: 10:00am, 11:00am.
  • Dhererka ciyaarta: 2x 20-daqiiqo kala bar (3 daqiiqo HT).
  • Each team will play one match per weekend, at one of the kick-off times.
  • Match details and league details on league republic website
  • Ciyaaryahan kasta ayaa heli doona funaanad kooxdooda ah oo ay ku jiraan waxaana la filayaa inay toddobaad walba soo xaadiraan maaliyadda. Ciyaaryahan kastaa waxa uu haysan doonaa maaliyadiisa dhamaadka xilli ciyaareedka!

Fiiri bandhiga-reel-ka maalinta ugu dambaysa ee Luulyo: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CgKH4qHFcpX/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

We offer financial assistance for those in need, you can apply here: Financial Assistance

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah, fadlan iimayl u dir info@bloomsburyfootball.com ama WhatsApp noogu soo dir 07724608600


10-14 years


Isku dhafan


£65.00 1da bisha


10:00 subaxnimo - 12:00 galabnimo


Harris Academy St John’s Wood, NW8 0NL

Xiriirka dhacdada


Maxaa la xidho

Please wear sports clothing, and AstroTurf or Moulded boots.

Maxaa la keenayaa

Please bring a water bottle and any necessary medical equipment, such as an epi-pen or inhaler.

Weather permitting, sun cream or a waterproof jacket may be needed.

Saxeex si aad u ballansato
Buuxi Dhadhanka

First payment prorated. Next payment: March 1, 2025

Kaalmada Dhaqaale