Fadlan cusboonaysii browserkaaga Astaamaha qaarkood ee ku jira mareegahan ayaan la socon karin noocaaga hadda.

Xidh fariintan

Bloomsbury Football understands the need to integrate ourselves within the existing social framework to support as many young people as possible that are in need of our interventions. As such, we prioritise working with statutory partners wherever possible. To do so, we:

Work with over 30 schools and nurseries per week, both supporting their curricular and extra-curricular physical education curriculum.

Receive referrals from these schools, as well as a number of NHS practices who support young people with complex additional needs.

Work closely with local councils in the areas that we run in to help identify these young people and integrate them into our programmes so we can have the greatest impact possible.

Department for Education

We work closely with the DfE to ensure that young people that are in receipt of free school meals are able to access free holiday camps and a meal during the holidays via the Holiday Activity and Food Programme. These camps run every holiday break across 4 boroughs, engaging on average 300 young people a day.

Sport England

Aligning closely with Sport England’s Uniting the Movement Strategy, Bloomsbury Football is determined to provide access to sport for over 20,000 young people across London by the end of 2028.

Greater London Authority

We work closely with the GLA, through their Open Doors programme, aligning with the mayor for London’s ambition to maker London the most physically active city in the world.


Bloomsbury Football waxay la shaqeysaa in ka badan 30 dugsi iyo xanaanooyin todobaadkii, labaduba waxay taageeraan manhajkooda waxbarashada jirdhiska iyo manhajka ka baxsan.


Waxa aanu ka helnaa tixraacyo dugsiyadan, iyo sidoo kale tiro ka mid ah dhaqamada NHS-ta ee taageera dhalinyarada baahiyaha dheeraadka ah qaba.


Waxaanu si dhow ula shaqaynaa golayaasha deegaanka ee meelaha aanu ka shaqayno si aanu gacan uga geysano sidii dhalinyaradaas loo aqoonsan lahaa oo loogu biirin lahaa barnaamijyadayada si aanu u yeelano saamaynta ugu badan ee suurtogalka ah.