Bloomsbury Football want to make football accessible and affordable for all young people in London. Read all about our different football programmes and find out which one is right for you!
Financial support, meaning 25-100% discounts on price, is available for all Bloomsbury Football programmes.
For players of all ages and abilities who want to learn skills and make friends
For expert young players wanting to take their game to the next level
Our programmes that tackle specific access barriers to the pitch
Bloomsbury Futsal has taught me advanced skills on the ball. It has also developed my game without the ball with an understanding of how to create space and decision making.
The coaches have been very good for me as they always encourage me to learn and improve my game all the time.Futsal player
Я дуже вдячна Bloomsbury Football за те, що вони влаштовують табори відпочинку на кожні шкільні канікули. Я можу розслабитися, тому що знаю, що моя дитина буде вчитися новим навичкам, залишатися активною і, найголовніше, весело проводити час під час канікул! Мені подобається бачити, як вони стають більш впевненими в собі після тижня з Bloomsbury і заводять нових друзів за межами їхнього звичайного шкільного життя,
Player at Holiday Camps
Every holiday, I love seeing all the Bloomsbury coaches and making new friends. Every day is always different and fun, and I always go back to school with new skills.
Player at Holiday Camps
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