At Bloomsbury Football, we are committed to ensuring that everyone can get on the pitch and experience the power of football.
Bloomsbury Football’s Refugee and Asylum Seeker Programme provides free football and wraparound support to refugees and asylum seekers from Ukraine and Afghanistan. Hosted at Maria Fidelis School round the corner from Euston Station, these weekly sessions allow refugees and asylum seekers aged 11-16 to settle into their new environment and develop on & off the pitch.
Sessions provide a fun, engaging and culturally-sensitive environment in which young refugees and asylum seekers can improve their language skills, physical fitness, mental health, and citizenship skills. Our sessions also offer a safe social space, allowing participants to build friendships and combat isolation & loneliness.
The ultimate goal of these sessions is to ease the process of transition for newly arrived refugees. Our programme facilitates integration by encouraging our players to join our mainstream football programmes, becoming a part of the Bloomsbury Football community.
Безкоштовно грати
Жодна молода людина ніколи не буде платити за участь у нашій програмі для біженців.
Розроблено для інклюзивності
Усі сесії Bloomsbury Football для біженців розроблені таким чином, щоб забезпечити інклюзивний і доброзичливий простір для всіх гравців та їхніх родин.
Зростаюча мережа підтримки
Ця програма розпочалася влітку 2022 року, коли ми проводили два заняття на тиждень. У 2023 році ми подвоїмо масштаби цієї програми: тепер вона надаватиме безкоштовні заняття футболом чотирьом групам молодих біженців щотижня, а також пропонуватиме безкоштовну підтримку їхнім батькам та опікунам.
Playing football with Bloomsbury is the best thing! They’re the best coaches that can help you with everything and are always caring about us.
Player in the refugee programme
From the moment I joined, I was welcomed into a supportive and passionate community of players and coaches. It’s a truly special place to play football that continues to provide me with unforgettable experiences.
Player in the refugee programme
My experience with Bloomsbury Football is just amazing. I have met new people and also made new friends. It’s just about kicking balls and having fun!
Player in the refugee programme
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