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Bloomsbury Football

Create an Account

  • Step One

    Parent Details

  • Step Two

    Player(s) Details

  • Step Three

    Financial Assistance

Parent Details

Custody arrangement policy

If you have a custody arrangement that may affect the drop off and collection of a player, please see our policy here.

Are you a UK tax payer and do you want to add Gift Aid to your donation(s)? *

Gift Aid is a government scheme that enables charities to reclaim tax on donations made by a UK taxpayer. When a donation is made, we, as a registered charity, can claim an additional 25p for every pound donated, at no extra cost to you.

The part of your monthly contribution that exceeds what it costs Bloomsbury to run our programmes, is classified as a donation. These funds help us to provide programmes for children who might not otherwise have the means to participate.

Please select an option

Player Details


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Financial Assistance

We are proud to offer financial assistance to all those parents who cannot afford the cost of our sessions.

If you would like to see if you're eligible, press yes and complete the form.

Otherwise, press complete to complete your account.

Do you require financial assistance? *

Please select an option

Please tick the checkbox above
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