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Calthorpe Football Pitch: Girl’s Football (U7-U10)

Calthorpe Football Pitch: Girl’s Football (U7-U10)


Every Wednesday during term time, we are letting girls know that their place is on the pitch. Regardless of past footballing experience, we want to give her the chance to discover her passion for football, growing in her love of the game and in confidence at the same time. Whether her first time on the pitch or she simply want to gain more confidence on the ball, this is the session for her.

Everyone is welcome, and no-one is priced out of play with our financial assistance model!

If you are in need financial assistance, please scroll to the bottom of this page to find out more.



7-10 years




£60.00 في 1 من كل شهر


5:30 م - 6:30 م


Calthorpe Community Garden Football Pitch, WC1X 8LH

جهة اتصال الحدث

Kez - 07938500619

ماذا ترتدي

Please wear sports clothing, and AstroTurf or Moulded boots.

ما يجب إحضاره

Please bring a water bottle and any necessary medical equipment, such as an epi-pen or inhaler.

Weather permitting, sun cream or a waterproof jacket may be needed.

تسجيل الدخول للحجز
احجز متذوقا

First payment prorated. Next payment: November 1, 2024

المساعدة المالية